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Thursday, April 1, 2010

E-book Reader-Wowee! :))

The e-book reader with its power cable & usb cable.

The library put together guideline on how to use it. They have to! Us (renter) are liable to pay for any damage if there's any when we return it.

Much closer look.

I just got back from the university library to borrow an e-book reader. Haven't tried it yet. Will do so soon because I have to return it by Thursday next week (April 8). I'm loving our university library for all sort of services it provides. I sound like a nerd, don't I? I am never going to be able to be a nerd because in my dictionary I associate nerdiness with being a computer whizz. And I am sometimes go green with envy at those computer whizz. I guess I just settle to be a bookworm then :)

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