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Thursday, December 13, 2007


I was watching Bersamamu at TV3 last nite, while waiting for my fav series: CSI MIAMI. Honestly, Bersamamu is a show I hate the most. Well there are other shows which I distaste, but I think Bersamamu tops them all.

Yes! It's true. I hate watching Bersamamu. I hate watching those children, 'makciks', 'pakciks' and all the chosen ones who does appear on the show asking for our help. I hate to see their sad eyes and watching their unfortunate life.

In truth, they do not have to even appear in Bersamamu to get help.
Where's our WAKIL RAKYAT?
Where's our notorious Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development?
Where's our Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat?
p/s: Duit zakat pun banyak kan.... juta-jutaan gitu..

It is true that we have to help each other. But the RESPONSIBILITY does fall on these so-called BERSIH, CEKAP& AMANAH people.

Were they less CEKAP, or painfully NOT AMANAH or totally NOT BERSIH i.e CORRUPT that they can't even manage to solve small problems concerning all this less fortunate people.

A revengeful side of me does wish that one fine day, our indifference leader of the country will be on the other side of the fence, where they are the one who'll do the begging.Oh! How I wish so...


Jannah Ibrahim said...


Sokong... patutnya siaran bersamamu tu utk tontonan para menteri dan isteri menteri dan keluarga raja yg dah kaya raya tuh... ni mintak kt org ramai..yg tertekan dgn kenaikan minyak, tol ... ape lagi???naik darah pun yea...

Dilla said...

bini2 menteri tu.. duit minyak g pasar pun guna duit gomen... padahal diorg anak beranak nak makan.. .

eiiii... mencinya aku...