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Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 6 & 7: Everything smells and taste so strongly, so do my hearing!

I wrote this as a collection of my experience throughout this pregnancy. Should have post it weeks before but I just don't have enough energy to really sit down and write then.

Week 6 and 7 (25/12/2010 - 7/1/2011)
I can barely keep anything down. The only thing that I can eat and keep down is plain crackers. For the last few days (and I guess for more weeks to come) my husband has totally took over the kitchen. Well, except the very last chore, putting dried dishes away. I don't really mind. He prepares the food, he cooks and he cleans. What more can I ask? Yeah! Absolutely nothing.

Sadly, I cannot really enjoy his cooking as always. The smell from fried onion is enough to make me throw up. As for water, I don't enjoy drinking plain water as before. If you know me well, you know how much I love plain water. I drink at least 1-2 litres a day. Now to down a glass of water is like working on a Physics experiment! I tried adding in some fresh lemon juices. Fruit juices also are so much welcome by my mouth and stomach, Alhamdulillah. However, there are days where I keep drinking juice until my stomach ached. I think the acidity from the juices has caused that since my stomach is almost empty.

Oh! My taste buds are also very sensitive now. I always love prawns, whether mixing them with fried noodles, or just themselves as sambal tumis udang or gulai lemak udang. Now I can't eat them because they taste so weird! Also, other than sense of smells and taste, my hearing has gone overdrive too. I swear I heard the clock ticking yesterday, as if it is in my ear. Scary huh!

Oh! The baby now is the size of a grape, about 1cm in length. Well, that's what the babycentre website said. And the baby makes his/her first moves this week. Like a jumping bean. How cute is that!

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