If it is not because Intan is going back to Malaysia next week, I will definitely postpone our outing. She is showing me the things I need to have to welcome the baby. Things like baby humidifier, baby bouncer and orthodontic soothers. Why orthodontic soothers? "Orthodontic soothers are marketed as being specially shaped to help develop the formation of teeth". Read more HERE. I just take notes and will buy it later. Probably search online first to find a good price deal :) One thing I love about shopping here is that I have the luxury of comparing prices online either between different department stores or with Amazon and e-bay.
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Child Ionic Humidifier |
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Baby Bouncer |
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Orthodontic Soothers |
Good news this week: I finally manage to eat and keep down (well, part of ) some rice. It is a big ACCOMPLISHMENT really :)) Nausea is almost gone except in some evening, Alhamdulillah.
Baby news: My baby is about 10cm and 100g this week, about a size of an avocado. Still itty bitty but my tummy is growing even though its not obvious. I know I have to enjoy every moment now until the day I can't see my feet anymore but deep down I am quite excited to see how big my tummy will be. Hahaha...
Not so good news: I started to feel a little pain surround my waist and some other kind of pain. This website, babycentre has really good info in explaining the symptoms and methods for cure for most pains that we experience during pregnancy. Bloating has become part of me. It doesn't matter whether I eat or not, I can hear this churning sound of gas going round and round in my stomach. I keep massaging Losyen Pati Halia or Losyen Pati Limau Nipis on both side of my legs to keep my feet warm. A friend who just gave birth advices me to massage a few drop of Minyak Afiat inside my belly button to help soothe the bloating. Since I don't have minyak afiat on hand, I use Minyak Mestika instead (just google minyak mestika, you will find lots of online shops which sell it). Alhamdulillah, it does helps. Work wise, I still find it is REALLY hard to concentrate at work. Reading a paragraph feels like reading a whole 15 pages journal paper. I keep praying to Allah to help me overcome this obstacle.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan Che'a Riccarton :)
Humidifier: Untuk menambahkan kelembapan dalam ruang lingkup. Juga bertindak sebagai pembersih udara. Faham-faham sajalah rumah kat UK ni, bila masa sangat nak buka tingkap. Kok dibuka, angin luar yang sejuk tu buat diriku menggigil. Bila dipasang heater, budak-budak, bayi terutamanya akan naik ruam pada kulit. Anak-anak yang lahir di UK ni juga kebanyakkannya terdedah pada 'gejala' ekzema.
Orthodontic Soothers/Pacifier: Berdasarkan maklumat kawan saya Intan, yang telah pun bertanya pada kawannya seorang doktor gigi, orthodontic soothers ni kebaikannya ialah ia tidak akan menyebabkan baby jadi jongang. Kalau kita tengok bentuk puting palsu tu pun, putingnya terkepit berbanding dengan puting biasa yang bulat. Itulah setakat pengetahuan yang saya ada.
Oh! Satu lagi. Untuk ibu-ibu mengandung, bila perut dah besar, eloklah mula menyapu krim atau losyen yang dapat membantu mengurangkan stretch marks. Mengikut Puan Ani Liza, beliau pakai jenis Palmer's Cocoa Butter For Stretch Marks. Hak ni jenis losyen. Bau pun sedap jugak. Cuma masa minggu-minggu awal mengandung, satu jenis losyen pun saya tak boleh bau. Hatta bau detergent untuk cuci baju pun buat saya pening. Mengikut Puan Intan pula, beliau pakai jenis Avent Future Mother Moisturising Light Oil. Hak ni jenis spray. Bau pun nyaman je. Ikutlah nak pakai yang mana satu. Saya ada kedua-dua jenis. Bukan tamak, tapi saja nak cuba dua-dua :)
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Avent Moisturising Light Oil |
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Palmer's Cocoa Butter For Stretct Marks |
Baby bouncer tuh bukan buaian ker? Guna kain batik jer madam. Hehe!
Anyway, dah week 17 dah yer. Hopefully semua berjalan lancar smpai baby tuh selamat keluar, InsyaAllah. :0
long way to go...hopefully it will be a very beautiful n memorable experience madam...
moga dipermudahkan...ameen...
you can do it!! Take care auntie dilla!:)))
sampai tak tau nak cakap camne..
semuga semuanya slamat..ameeen
take care :))
waa fancy nyer barang2 tu..
humidifier tu buat ape ek??aku dulu ada baby bouncer/rocker tu..but guna kejap jek.. hehe.. sib baik beli 2nd.. guna utk letak najihah masa org dtg melawat..dan utk kasik makan masa dia beli leh duduk..senang sket letak dia n tegakkan kepala dia..
soother tu tak tahu lak ada yg canggih..
enjoy your window shopping ;-)
@Ir A.Aziz:
Sort of la Aziz, macam buaian yg henjut2 tu. Kalau pakai kain batik pun, masih kena beli spring buaian tu. Minggu depan baru masuk 17 minggu, insya-Allah. Terima kasih atas doa Aziz :)
kalau dikira-kira, not so long, another +-24 weeks. Rasa macam dah tak lama je. Terima kasih atas doa fixa yg berpanjangan. Kalau awak dekat2 sini, saya dah upah awak jadi nanny ;) *I know u r good with children*
@Wan's Family @ Southampton, UK
Insya-Allah. I can do it!!! hehe :)) Thanks ummi.
part mana yg best tu? Shopping ke? huhuhu.. Shopping sentiasa best kalau ada budget. ;)
@Che'a of Riccarton:
Aku survey je dulu. Nanti nak cari yang 2nds. Kat sini banyak barang 2nds yg masih elok2. Ko bayangkan, set lengkap bilik baby (cot bed, drawers & wardrobe) boleh dapat dalam 150 pound je. kalau yg baru err... kat 500 pound. Mau pengsan aku nak membayarnya ;p
salam, kak dilla..just want to share my experience..masa 1st pregnancy dulu, tasha pakai jgk cocoa butter palmer tu utk reduce/avoid strech mark..tapi agaknya masa tu, batch yg di kuarkan tu ada something wrong kot..habis naik ruam yg sgt2 teruk dkt tmpt2 yg tasha pakai..bila g jmp gynea, dia ckp mmg dh ada a few cases jadik camtu..so, hopefully the lotion suits u well..
one more thing, satu lagik ilmu yg perlu dituntut sejak awak kehamilan is BREASTFEEDING knowledge! seriously, if u wanna be successful in bf-ing ur child..u MUST have the sebnyk mgkn knowledge on bf..dont just depend on what other people say..I'm a breastfeeding hardcore, and i just cant stand to see a mother saje2 kasi susu lembu to her baby sedangkan her own milk is more than enough to full that little stomach! kak dilla jgn xmo breastfeed pulak nanti yer!!..hehe..
saya lebih suka pakai Avent light oil tu. Baunya pun light & nyaman je. So far Alhamdulillah takde jadi ruam. :)
Pasal bf pulak, hajat di hati memang nak bf baby ni nanti. Skrg pun dah survey breast pump. Tunggu masa je nak beli :) Ni yang tunggu Tasha online, nak menuntut ilmu. Dah ada 2 cikgu setakat ni, Che'a & Tasha :)
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